Parents pack school board meeting to voice concerns over new middle school in Franklin
FRANKLIN, Wis. (CBS 58) --More than two hundred people protesting a change at Franklin Public Schools made their voice heard at Wednesday's school board meeting.
They say they're not happy with changes coming to the middle school next fall.
In 2017, voters approved a $43 million referendum for a new middle school. Parents didn't know their vote would mean an educational change too.
"Math teachers teaching science and vice versa is not the best use of talent resources," said Tamara Grobschmidt, a parent.
About 40 people that oppose the teaching change showed up at the school board meeting.
Parent Dana Gindt dropped off a petition with 240 signatures.
"In my opinion, a state of the art facility with teachers instructing outside their area of expertise and passion is a step in the wrong direction," said Gindt.
Some of the parents biggest concerns was teachers have worked hard to become experts in their subject matter and now they'll be teaching something completely new.
It's proposed that the same teacher will teach math and science, another will teach both language arts and history.
The Superintendent says she's aware some teachers are uncomfortable with new subject matter. She says they will conduct listening sessions and allow teachers to observe other teachers.
"We have expert teachers because they know how to convey information to students and inspire them to learn. A teacher's primary job is to teach skills as a learner and apply information through analysis, problem solving, and critical thinking," said Judy Mueller, Franklin Public Schools Superintendent.
Speakers urged that the decision for these teaching changes be heard in a public meeting where parents and teachers can give their opinion.
There was no decision made by the board regarding the change.