No snow? No complaints -- people in Milwaukee say they're spending more time outdoors
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Santa's made his way down the chimney, the new year has come and settled, but there's still one thing missing this winter.
It's the warmest Wisconsin winter on record and that means still no snow, but you won't hear many complaints.
“I’d like to see a little bit of snow," said Christopher, a Milwaukee resident.
For some, it's starting to feel like spring.
“I miss feeling like we’re in the winter season," said teacher Nicole Becker.
Others say let's not get that far ahead.
"I’m very used to the cold. So, it’s still cold, but no snow so it’s kind of a lose-lose situation," said Christopher.
Some people are layering up and letting their feet hit the pavement.
“I think I ran. I did a long run on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, so to me, it’s working out quite nicely," said Mary Messerlie, a Wisconsin resident.
That's not the kind of exercise everyone wants to participate in.
“Well, I recently came from up in northern Wisconsin and there wasn’t any snow up there, and usually there’s about two feet and we go sledding and that kind of stuff," said Christopher.
If you think kids miss the snow, well, think again.
“No, because you get all wet," said 10-year-old Graselyn Viste.
In fact, no one seems to hate it like Viste.
“I’m not going to lie, I’m kind of happy about it because we have a dog that needs an hour of exercise and it’s really hard to exercise him in the snow," said Viste.
She says this attitude is a part of living in Wisconsin.
“I think just everybody’s eventually going to get sick of the snow when we get older," said Viste.
As for Chistopher, he says he's still holding onto hope for some snowfall.
“I know it’ll come, eventually," he said.