New Wisconsin Law allows Work Leave for Donating Organs

Governor Scott Walker signed Senate Bill 517 into law Friday at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. This bill requires employers to also provide leave to their employees for the purpose of donating bone marrow or an organ according to a release from the Governor's office.

“There are currently over 120,000 Americans waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant, 2,300 of whom live in Wisconsin,” Governor Walker said. “Donating a vital organ to a loved one or donor match is a brave and life-saving decision, and those who make that choice should not have to factor the fear of losing money or their job into that important decision.  Senate Bill 517 puts provisions in place to ensure Wisconsin employees who chose to save a life through organ donation can do so without risking their job.”

The bill allows employees to take up to six weeks of leave to donate organs and bone marrow. This bill provides job protections to organ donors for kidneys, partial livers, partial lungs, partial pancreas, partial intestine, and bone marrow. 

The bill only applies to those employers regulated under the Wisconsin Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

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