Milwaukee takes down New York City to win 'best US city' in Twitter poll

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) --  There is plenty to love about Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and apparently, voters on Twitter agree as the Cream City won a national poll for the best city in the country Saturday morning, Nov. 6.

After advancing to the finals, racking up victories over cities like Chicago and Minneapolis along the way, Milwaukee earned a championship victory over New York City, the country's largest city, with 70% of voters believing Milwaukee is the 'best city' in the country.

The online contest, The 2021 Gray Invitational, bracketed American cities in a tournament-style competition to determine the best city in the United States.

The Twitter poll was first posted on Oct. 25 and started with 64 cities from across the United States

Each round of polling was open for 24 hours.

New York City, Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles earned No. 1 seed rankings in the tournament-style bracket with Milwaukee coming in as a No. 10 seed.

Milwaukee faced No. 7 Austin in the first round, No. 2 Miami in the second round, No. 3 San Francisco in the third round, No. 4 Minneapolis in the fourth round and No. 1 Chicago in the semifinal round.

Our Brew City defied the odds as and pulled off a 'Cinderalla' tournament run to claim the top prize in the online contest that wrapped up Saturday.

The contest was created by Twitter-user Nolan Gray with no official prize or objective, other than seemingly engaging thousands of voters from passionate cities across the country to vote their home as 'best city'.

Though we didn't need a poll to tell us how awesome Milwaukee is, it's great to get some confirmation that Milwaukee is the place to be.

As is customary with teams that win a championship, Milwaukee is apparently receiving its own 'championship parade'.

Check out the parade plans from VISIT Milwaukee below:

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