Milwaukee prepares for a safe primary election

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The primary election is next week, Aug. 11, and Milwaukee County leaders say they are prepared for a smooth and safe election. They say absentee ballot requests are way up. 

Milwaukee County officials say so far, more than 150,000 ballots have been mailed out so far and a third of them have come back already. 

This year, precautions like wearing masks and social distancing will be taken to ensure a safe election. 

There will be 253 polling places open for the primary election, but Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett says he doesn't expect there to be long lines at polling places for this primary. 

This is because the City of Milwaukee has also seen a large increase in the amount of ballots being sent out. 

"We’ve had 75,000 absentee by mail requests that have already been fulfilled. That’s a 1,000 percent increase over a normal August primary," said Barrett. 

If you haven't mailed out your absentee ballot yet, you are urged to drop it off at your clerk's office to make sure it counts. 

If you decide to vote in person, you should check your polling location because it may have changed this year. 

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