Milwaukee Leaf Collection Begins October 1st

With autumn here, the City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works (DPW) has officially announced starting October 1st, residents may rake their leaves into the curb lanes for leaf collection.

Leaves, brush, and yard waste will be collected by DPW and composted. This conserves natural resources and saves the city money.  Residents are advised to not place leaves in garbage or recycling carts and encouraged to mulch leaves and leave grass clippings on the lawn.

Sanitation staff collects approximately 15,000 tons of leaves between mid-October and early December, Last year, a total of 16,507 tons of leaves was collected.

According to the Depart of Public Works Press Release suggestions for a successful fall leaf collection include: “Rake leaf piles into the street but keep them away from storm drains and sewer grates. Keep leaf piles away from the curb – give a one-foot space. Place garden debris on top of leaf piles. Do not put leaves in plastic or paper bags. Do not put leaves in garbage carts. Pumpkins- compost them if they have no melted candle wax or decorations. Do not put brush into the street – place it on the grass next to the curb.”

Household of four of fewer units should receive a DPW Fall 2016 newsletter in the mall. The newsletter provides recycling guidelines, hours/locations of City Drop-Off sites, ways to “Rethink-Refuse-Reduce-Ruse-Recycle-Rot (Compost),” and details DPW sanitation services throughout the year.

If you would like more information on fall leaf collection, please call (414) 286-CITY(-2489) or visit the DPW website at

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