Milwaukee joins National Gun Safety Consortium

NOW: Milwaukee joins National Gun Safety Consortium

MILWAUKEE - (CBS 58) The city of Milwaukee is now a participant in the National Gun Safety Consortium, the latest effort by community leaders to help curb gun violence in the city.

Mayor Tom Barrett was joined at City Hall Wednesday, Nov. 10 by community and religious leaders as he signed the resolution. 

"We need to continue to innovate and implement the best new ideas that are available," Mayor Barrett said. "Ideas that can make our city safer."

As part of the National Gun Safety Consortium, the city will pay $10,000 in dues and will continue to work with Common Ground and the city's police and fire departments to promote the development and distribution of gun safety and security products, including quick-access locks which require a fingerprint to unlock a weapon for use.

"We are here because we support keeping people in the community safe and reducing gun violence," said Arnitta Holliman, director of violence prevention for the city of Milwaukee. "Ensuring that there is not unauthorized or accidental use of a gun."

Religious leaders and members of Common Ground shared their concerns of violence in communities throughout the city.

"I can't begin to describe the hurt and the pain at the loss of life and the families that have been devastated by gun violence," said Pastor Willie Davis of Invisible Reality Ministries. "The life of trauma, the endless therapy sessions have now become routine, and I'm tired."

There have been 168 homicides and 764 non-fatal shootings in 2021 from Jan. 1 to Nov. 9, compared to 169 homicides and 657 non-fatal shootings in 2020 during the same period.

According to Holliman, the Office of Violence Prevention has distributed over 9,000 gun locks so far in 2021, with hopes that that number will grow.

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