Milwaukee citizens protest police violence
MILWAUKEE -- One week after an unarmed teenager was shot and killed in Ferguson, MO, citizens of Milwaukee gather to stand with that city. They're hoping to call attention to young men who died in Milwaukee under similar circumstances. Many in Milwaukee shared Ferguson's frustration that the officer involved who killed Michael Brown had yet to be criminally charged.
The family of Dontre Hamilton and Corey Stingley stood in solidarity with other Milwaukee citizens to shine light on issues they say can no longer wait. Nate Hamilton, brother of Dontre Hamilton, said, \"It's not just a black issue, it's an American issue. it's a justice issue, it's a government issue, it's a system issue, it's a community issue.\"
The shooting in Ferguson has sparked unrest in cities across the country. Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn says the Milwaukee Police Department is taking notes and listening. \"It's disturbing to see that level of breakdown, and to see that rift develop between the police and their communities and so all of us are watching,\" says Flynn. \"All of us are obviously looking to learn lessons.\"
Flynn acknowledges there is room for improvement in Milwaukee. \"No major city police department in an environment as complex and stressful as ours is going to avoid error or avoid controversy,\" said Flynn.