Milwaukee Brewers Confirm Hank is the Original "No Substitute"
Milwaukee Brewers showed a notarized letter from Hank's veterinarian confirming the micro-chip in Hank was the one placed in him originally on Friday.
"I'm convinced this is the real Hank," said the veterinarian.
The vet said Hank is in excellent health and had an exam and teeth cleaning done on March 3.
"There is no substitute. He is the original," said Brewers COO Rick Schlesinger.
The popularity of Hank has created the popular Hank bobble head tradition. This year the Brewers have the third Hank bobble head.
"As long as the market wants Hank we will have Hank," said Schlesinger.
Seriously, though, having had my face licked by Hank on the day he was introduced in AZ, I'm happy he's still Hank and still awesome. 'Night
— Kevin Holden (@321cuekevin) March 4, 2016
Brewers said fans who don't normally watch baseball are coming to the games for Hank.
"He is creating a generation of new Brewers Fans," said Schlesinger.