Match Day 2014 raises more than $3 million to help fight hunger

MILWAUKEE -- Match day generated more than $3 million to help fight hunger across our area.  Phone lines flooded with calls from people across southeast Wisconsin.

Hunger Task Force joined numerous charities from around our area for Match Day on Thursday, March 13. 

\"Match Day is awesome,\" Hunger Task Force executive director Sherrie Tussler said.

It's the one day during the year where any donations get a proportional match from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation. 

The Hunger Task Force was the top earning non-profit on Match Day with over $330,000 in donations. Hunger Task Force uses the money to help feed 40,000 people a month.

\"We've got 60 emergency food pantries, 20  soup kitchens and homeless shetlers that rely on us for a steady and consistent supply of free food,\" Tussler said.

The nearly 20 hour-operation relied on volunteers.  The Greenfield Fire Department sent a group - for the 4:00 am shift.

\"We thought this was a great way to give back to the community for some of the people we serve every day,\" assistant fire chief George Weber said.

That's exactly what match day does.  The Greater Milwaukee Foundation distributes from a pool of $750,000.  The money is given out on a percentage basis to whichever charity raises the most money.  Hunger Task Force took first this year.  They believe it's because their food stays local.

\"Hunger Task Force feeds local families.  We do that absolutely free of charge,\" Tussler explained.

Organizers won't sit back after match day's success.  They know hunger doesn't stop.  Especially as the weather improves.

\"It's going to peak in the summer months again when summer months when childhood hunger will be on the rise,\" Tussler said.

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