Local florists putting together "Be Happy" bouquets for local veterans and senior citizens

Thousands of people most in need of a smile, including patients at local neighborhood hospitals, residents of nursing homes, Meals on Wheels recipients and many others will receive an unexpected gift this July. Free hand-arranged and hand-delivered Be Happy® Bouquets filled with bright flowers compliments of Teleflora and local member florists nationwide will be delivering happiness in local communities around the country.

In its 15th year, Teleflora's annual Make Someone Smile® Week program has grown into the floral industry's most popular, successful and heartwarming initiative in North America.

Last year, Teleflora units delivered  more than 30,000 floral arrangements to those in need of a smile. More than 1,000 florists who donated their time. The program spanned over 150 cities and 300 facilities throughout the United States and Canada.

Locally, the folks of \"Flowers by Walter\" and \"Bank of Memories and Flowers\" will assemble some 800  arrangements in a bright yellow smiley face mug.

\"Because it's rewarding,\" explained Joe Divine who's on the local organizing committee. \"You get to make people happy.  That's why I'm a florist. To see a bride smile on her wedding day or a veteran or those in long term care. They look forward to it every year.\"

\"It's great to give back and use my talents,\" Melissa Maas of Teleflora Wisconsin told CBS 58 News. \"It seems so simple to design some flowers to put a smile on someone's face.\" 

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