Lapham Peak Sells Out of Parking Vouchers for Candlelight Hike

The 450 available parking vouchers for the candlelight hike this year being sponsored by the Friends of Lapham Peak have all been given out.

The Friends Group received a special event permit for this candlelight event, and limited attendance to the event to the 450 available parking spaces within the Lapham Peak Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest. In addition to a parking voucher, vehicles entering the park must have a 2017 Wisconsin State Park Admission Sticker, or purchase a $5 special event pass when entering the park.

Due to a lack of snow, the event, which will be held from 6:00 PM to 8:45 PM Saturday, January 28, will only be held as a hike. In addition, conditions have recently been icy so hikers are encouraged to wear proper footwear, including some type of crampon.

People who were unable to get a parking voucher can consider attending one of these candlelight events all located within about a 2 hour drive of Lapham Peak:

For complete list of candlelight events at Wisconsin state parks, forests, trails and recreation areas and to check for cancellations, search the DNR website,, for keyword "candlelight" and for a complete list of all activities, search "Get Outdoors."

For more information on the Lapham Peak Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest search for "Lapham Peak." For more information on other park or forest properties and locations, search for keywords "find a park."

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