Keeping Two Milwaukee County Indoor Pools Afloat

(Milwaukee)--Remember this name. Stanley Kass. This 80-year old from Brown Deer could be the one person who may keep the splashes going at Noyes and Pulaski pools in Milwaukee County, dashing the possibility of possible closings. He's donating an undisclosed amount of money to keep both swimming places in operation.

Meantime, Milwaukee County Board Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic is grateful for this man's contribution. So much so, she took his generosity and ran with it. She introduced a budget amendment to the Finance, Personnel and Audit Committee for funding to keep the pools open. She believes she has the community support behind her with more than a thousand signatures from a petition drive.

It would cost roughly two million dollars to close both pools and put a slash pad at one location and a skate park at the other.
The County Board Chairwoman wants to use roughly half of this money to go toward repairs of both pools instead. The overall County Board has to give its final approval. This could take weeks, if not months.

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