Immigration advocacy group demonstrates outside Baldwin office after government shutdown ends
Voces De La Frontera held a press conference outside Sen. Tammy Baldwin's office Monday.
The scheduled the demonstration as soon as Democrats agreed to end the shut down.
Baldwin did vote to end the government shut down.
But Senate Democrats did not get the plan for how to handle children of undocumented immigrants, which was the reported reason for the shut down. Democrats say they agreed to fund the government with a promise from senate republicans that there would be a solution in place on DACA in three weeks. Rep. Glenn Grothman says he doesn't think Congress should rush to a deal on immigration.
"I don't think we should rush ahead without solving the overall immigration problem. We don't want to go back to the old days where people keep coming here illegally, and bringing their children again. So we have to make sure that this doesn't happen again, and we have to make sure that the bad DACA recipients leave the country."
Voces De La Frontera Executive Director Christine Nuemann-Ortiz said it is too urgent of an issue to ignore.
"It's absolutely urgent," Nuemann-Ortiz said. "Here are 16,000 that have already lost protective status. They are vulnerable to deportation.
Baldwin sent the following statement on her decision to end the shut down:
Enough with round after round of fighting. We now have an opportunity in the Senate to do right by the American people so we need to get to work and do it.
“I will continue my bipartisan work to fully fund community health centers, children’s health care and provide our local communities with the support they need to combat the opioid epidemic and save lives. We have a bipartisan solution in the Senate that strengthens border security and protects Dreamers who have only known America as their home and are working hard, going to school and serving in our military. Let’s get it done. Right now, 25,000 workers and retirees in Wisconsin have their pensions threatened through no fault of their own and Congress needs to act on our reforms that keep a promise for the pensions they have earned. Instead of kicking the can down the road month after month with short term measures that shortchange our troops and veterans, we need to fund them with a long term budget that provides certainty."