Here's why you shouldn't post about vacation on social media before or while you're away

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A lighthearted Facebook post from the Washington County Sheriff's Office is reminding people to be cautious about advertising vacation plans on social media. 

Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis wrote in a post on Monday, Jan. 20, an acquaintance of his posted to his personal Facebook page he was going on vacation. Attached was a funny exchange of texts between Sheriff Schulteis' acquaintance and "Burglary Bob." 

Burglar Bob: "Hello. This is your friendly neighborhood burglar. I see you are leaving on a trip from your Facebook post. Could you let me know when you will be back so I have ample time to clean out your entire house? Kindly - Burglar Bob 

Victim: "Your right dumb move." 

Burglar Bob: "Oh nevermind. I forgot that you post all your pictures while you are on your trip so I can figure out when you will be back. So sorry for the inconvenience." 

Victim: "No problem (angry face emoji)" 

"This seems innocent enough," Sheriff Schulteis wrote. "The problem is that we have criminals lurking within our community that act as predators and seek out targets of opportunity. There is nothing funny about that." 

Sheriff Schulteis said social media is a wonderful tool to help solve crimes, provide transparency and help get input from the community -- but there's also a dark side. 

"Letting the world know that you are on vacation could leave yourself open to a burglary," the post reads. 

Authorities advise residents to wait until you're back home before announcing your vacation or post pictures. 

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