Half of Wisconsin meth labs found in 2 southern counties

JANESVILLE, Wis. (AP) — Half of the nearly 30 methamphetamine labs identified by law enforcement in Wisconsin since October have been found in two southern counties.

Data from the Drug Enforcement Administration's Milwaukee office show Rock County had four labs while Walworth County had nine.

Rock County sheriff's Cmdr. Troy Knudson tells the Janesville Gazette (http://bit.ly/2qvKJIN ) that meth incidents are increasing statewide, with almost 50 labs found in fiscal year 2016 compared to almost 15 in 2012.

Walworth County sheriff's Capt. Robert Hall says the county drug unit's focus on investigating meth cases is likely why police have uncovered so many.

Law enforcement officials say the meth labs found in the area tend to be one-pot meth cooks that use plastic bottles, which can explode and cause serious chemical damage.

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