Hales Corners Fire Captain accused of leaving post, sexually harassing coworker

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HALES CORNERS, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The Hales Corners Fire Chief wants one of his captains fired.
Captain John Wagner is accused of sexual harassment and jeopardizing public safety.
With 24 years of fire and emergency medical experience, he'd been hired as a fire prevention captain for the Hales Corners Fire Department. A year and a half later, Chief Martin Freibergs filed disciplinary charges against him.
The Chief told the Police and Fire Commission that Wagner was found to have sexually harassed a 19-year-old subordinate, asking her several questions about her sex life.
The Chief also says that in January, Wagner left the station in the middle of a shift.
No one else on duty was able to drive a fire engine and when there was a car fire, Hales Corners had to call Greendale to put it out.
Wagner's lawyer didn't respond to calls or emails from CBS 58 News.
The Commission President said Wagner has appealed the charges against him.
Wagner has been on administrative leave for the last two months.
His appeal will be heard next month.