Grandmother mugged in grocery store parking lot, asking suspect to return sentimental purse
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A grandmother is recovering after she was mugged in a grocery store parking lot in Milwaukee on Tuesday.
The 69-year-old grandmother was shopping at the Pick 'N Save near 27th and Loomis when she says a man approached her and tried to take her purse that was in her car. After a struggle, she sprung into action.
"Knowing my grandma, she never goes down without a fight and yesterday was no different. She actually jumped on the car, while it wasn't moving, but the driver took off with her purse and her on the car and was swerving rapidly to try to get her off of the car and that's how she got most of her injuries," the victim's granddaughter said.
The first call Patricia Lastufka made was to her granddaughter, Cody Castaneda, who she raised.
"I could tell by her voice that she was really shooken up and I didn't know what was going on. She said she was just mugged in the Pick 'N Save parking lot. I asked if she was okay and she said she was a little banged up but she always underestimates things," Castaneda said.
Castaneda says the suspect got into a newer model maroon Hyundai with another man. Bruised and battered, Lastufka, fortunately, suffered no broken bones. However, she was left without her purse, a sentimental gift from her late sister.
"That was the last thing that was given to my grandma by her and because her sister lives out of town we didn't get a chance to say goodbye and that purse means a lot," said Castaneda.
During the struggle, Lastufka also lost another prized possession, her wedding ring, but this part of the story has a better ending. The ring was found Wednesday morning, only slightly damaged.
Castaneda is still left with many questions.
"Just mind-baffling that somebody would do this to her. I mean, nobody deserves it."
The family is asking the suspect to return the purse to the family. If you have any information about the case, you're asked to call Milwaukee Police.