Gov. Walker responds to national magazine articles

Oak Creek--  Governor Scott Walker is firing back at two national magazines, including one that paints him and his political ambitions in a less than flattering light.

During a groundbreaking ceremony in Oak Creek, Walker responded to reporters' questions about a piece in the liberal publication The New Republic.  \"(It) Is filled with more untruths than I've seen in any publication in my life\" Walker said. 

The article accuses Walker of using racial politics to win the 2012 recall election.  The Governor responded saying his record as a candidate for Milwaukee County Executive speaks for itself.  \"I won as a republican in 2002, I won in 2004, I won again in 2008 with nearly 60 of the vote in a county that went  two-thirds for President Obama.  I think the record's pretty clear if that was the case, I wouldn't have won in those elections\" Walker said.   

The Governor also took issue with part of an online story from the National Review which said he pointed to a particular senator for harping on the national debt, and that at times, listening to the senator makes him \"want to slit my wrists.\"  This was the exchange between Walker and a reporter Tuesday morning:   \"I'm not talking about a senator.  Again you're taking something that wasn't quoted.\"    Reporter:  \"They said that it was a senator.\"  Walker:  \"Well I'm telling you it's flat-out-wrong.\"  Reporter:  \"You were misquoted?\"  Walker:  \"Well that's what flat-out-wrong means.\"      

Walker went on to say the article offered nothing new,  that he has talked about austerity and reforms many times in the past.  \"I wrote about it in (my) book that came out last November that talked about austerity's not the answer, it needs to be reform.  I said when members of Congress, including some of whom are my friends, talk about that, it makes me want to slit my wrist, cause I said in the end, I think Republicans should be the party of more but not more government, more spending, not more taxes.\"

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