Go ahead, love your planet on this Earth Day. There are many ways...
Wauwatosa (CBS 58)--Today marks half a century paying tribute to Mother Earth. The movement started in Wisconsin by then Senator Gaylord Nelson who had deep concern for the environment after witnessing a devastating California oil spill. Today more than 193 countries participate.
Locally, the non profit organization "Milwaukee Riverkeeper" has an annual river cleanup. But this year, the COVID crisis canceled the event. But organizers still want you to do you part picking up litter, safely. Milwaukee Riverkeeper Cheryl Lenn says it's very important, especially now, to wear gloves, including gardening or leather gloves. She gives more advice. If you're using disposable gloves, please dispose of them appropriately. If a small amount of trash, bring it back home and put it in city trash to be collected. If you are cleaning up at a park and there's a receptacle, put trash there.
Milwaukee Riverkeeper urges everyone to stay up to date with what the organization is doing, either real time or virtually. Click here to see what this science-based advocacy group is up to these days.
Here are some other good sites to visit on this 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
Earth Day for 365 Days of The Year...What You Can Do Right Now!
Family Fun & Earth Day...50 Things You Can Do