Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast honoring 342 local girls

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast is set to celebrate the accomplishments of 342 local Girl Scouts at its annual Highest Awards Celebration on Tuesday, May 9.

The event will recognize the achievements of Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts ages 9-17 who earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.

A press release issued by the GSWISE on Wednesday, May 3 noted that the 342 recipients contributed over 4,100 hours of service toward projects that created "measurable and lasting change in their communities and beyond."

In addition to honoring the achievements of the Girl Scouts, GSWISE also commended Karishma Santebennur, winner of the "Girl Scouts to the Moon and Back" essay contest.

The Highest Awards Celebration was held on May 9 at Milwaukee Area Technical College's Cooley Theater, starting with the Gold Award display reception at 5:30 p.m. and followed by the award ceremony at 6:30 p.m.

More information can be found by visiting

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