Evers, Walker battle over education in governor's race

NOW: Evers, Walker battle over education in governor’s race

For years, Wisconsin has had one of the largest achievement gaps between black and white students in the country.

Governor Scott Walker released a series of tweets claiming his opponent, Superintendent Tony Evers is to blame.

Evers did release a plan this week to increase funding by $13 million in the state’s five largest districts.

“Things that will really make a difference throughout early childhood education in the state, making sure that we have the best quality teachers,” Evers said Tuesday.

The increased funds would go to the Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha , Madison and Green Bay schools.

$5 million would go toward going to increasing summer classes. Another $5 would go toward 3K funding..

"Having that additional resource and support for children on their first entry into school is huge for their trajectory,” said Amy Mizialko, president of the pro-Evers Milwaukee Teachers Education Association.

Governor Scott Walker released a series of tweets this week,  blaming Evers for the state’s achievement gap, and saying it has gotten worse over his 9 year stint as superintendent.

The MTEA says the gap is a problem.

“it’s unacceptable," Mizialko said. "And we really want to change that conversation to an opportunity gap. A gap in access, equity, and opportunity.”

Evers called Walkers criticism "ridiculous,"  and says the governor was responsible for cutting school funding.

“How can one have an enterprise where you’re trying to demoralize the people that work in it," Evers said. "This issue is about Scott Walker’s inability to fund our public schools period.

If passed, Evers proposal would go into effect for the 2019-2021 budget.

Walker’s campaign team said they did not have a comment outside of the governor’s tweets.

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