Eastside Jet’s Pizza apologizes for handwritten 'All lives matter' sign
MILWAUKEE, WI (CBS 58) – Joe Gallucci, owner of Jet’s Pizza on the east side, apologized to protesters Monday over the accusations of one of his employees.
On Monday, June 8, he addressed a group of protesters as they met near his establishment on North and Oakland.
On Sunday, a poster board with a handwritten message that read, “The only race is the human race. All lives matter”, was posted on the window of the business.
Gallucci apologized for the sign he says an employee posted without permission.
While at the time he said he hadn’t even spoken to the employee and he had not been fired, he welcomes suggestions from the community on what they should do.
“I really want to apologize for anybody who had the unfortunate circumstance of coming across it on any online platform,” says Callucci. “It is unacceptable. I was deeply saddened to learn that it was up there.”
Protesters he was speaking to suggested firing the said employee and getting proper training for current and future employees.
We reached out to Jet’s Pizza corporate office for comment and they sent they following message:
“We are in close touch with our local franchise owner in Milwaukee about this situation. He is apologizing for the sign that was posted in the window of the location by an employee acting on his own. He will be having a conversation with that employee to discuss how we, as a business, feel about the message that does not speak for Jet’s or our franchise location.
We understand that the words on the sign represent ignorance and a lack of respect for the Black lives, everywhere, that matter.
For nearly three years, this location has employed a diverse workforce and management, while serving a diverse community. To continue that successfully, their staff and management must respect and support one another and their customers.
There is no place at our company or any of its locations for ignorance or anything that may appear like we are doing anything but fighting against racism in the way we do business.”
-Kevin Tosolt, Director of Marketing & Communications, Jet’s America, Inc.