Duck watch underway at the Stella Hotel in Kenosha

NOW: Duck watch underway at the Stella Hotel in Kenosha

KENOSHA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Some unexpected guests at a downtown Kenosha hotel's got the place buzzing, but truly, it's quacking that might be heard soon.

This fancy place is the Stella Hotel, a place for guests to come and go, but a mama duck has chosen it as a place to settle down and raise a family.

Here she is, the duck. Her human caretakers last year named her "Priscillia."

"There were no plants in the planter and so I think she just saw the flat brown and thought oh I could blend into that so," said Tyler Townsend, who's on duck watch at the Stella Hotel.

This mama duck's back for round two, nesting at the crow's nest rooftop bar at the Stella Hotel, for a second year in a row.

"They're federally protected so you can't do anything with the nest," said Townsend.

Tyler Townsend's the one who first spotted her in this planter, and he told his girlfriend.

"We're definitely animal lovers so," said Rhonda Rangel, who's also on duck watch at the Stella Hotel.

The animal lovers decided to set up a live stream to watch her through the night. They've linked it to YouTube.

"It is really peculiar. It's not common for them to make them on a roof top like this," said Townsend.

Weeks later, babies were born, and Townsend wondered how the ducklings would get out of the planter, which is at least three feet off the ground, and five stories up. He helped out, putting them in a box and getting them to the first level where the mama duck flew down to greet them and escort them to the lakefront.

"It was kind of funny, whenever people would be walking towards us, they would all duck away in the store front and kind of like hide from them, but then when they would walk past, she would like stick her head out and they would all start walking again," said Townsend.

With the return this year, the hotel has a QR code for avid duck lovers to watch this year's ducklings take their very first steps.

"We kind of were thinking she was gonna come back this year, and then when he texted me, I was like oh yea, knew it," said Rangel.

Here is a link to the live stream.

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