Crowd greets President Obama at airport before Labor Day speech

MILWAUKEE -- Bathed in sunlight aboard Air Force One, President Barack Obama cruised into Milwaukee on Labor Day, much to the delight of the Mlot family.

\"I got to meet the president,\" smiled Rowan Mlot.

The youngster shook the president's hand along with her brother and parents.  The family only got a few words in, but Mr. Obama's message to them brought out a smile.

\"'Nice to meet you,'\" the Mlots recounted.  \"'Nice weather' and something about the Brewers being in first place.  That was cool.'\"

Governor Scott Walker, Milwaukee County Exec. Chris Abele, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and U.S. Representative Gwen Moore spoke with the president as he stepped onto the tarmac.  Mr. Obama then shed his blue blazer and rolled up his sleeves to greet about 100 families and supporters.

\"O-M-G, like, so exciting,\" MPS teacher Elizabeth Kosmach said.

Kosmach spent her last day of summer speaking briefly with the president along side several fellow Roosevelt Middle School of the Arts staff members.   She was proud to see President Obama come to Milwaukee.

\"It shows that he's with all the labor unions and he represents us as a nation,\" Kosmach said.

President Obama's stop in Milwaukee was brief, lasting only about two hours.  But the message the president personally had for Kosmach will echo in her ears forever.

\"He said we have one of the most important jobs in the nation,\" the teacher said.  \"It's great, because a lot of people don't see what we do on a daily basis and we work so hard.  It's nice that he can acknowledge that.\"

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