'Click It or Ticket' campaign kicks off Monday across Wisconsin

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MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) – The 'Click It or Ticket' campaign begins Monday and will continue across Wisconsin through June 2.
The theme of this year’s initiative is buckle up, every seat, every trip.
As part of the campaign, law enforcement agencies from across the state will work for longer hours and in greater numbers to make sure people are wearing their seat belts.
Former Packers player Donald Driver is a spokesperson for the campaign.
“If we want kids to understand that they need to buckle up and put their seat belts on, we have to do it as parents,” Driver said. “We have to do it as individuals. If you see someone on the road that is driving without their seat belt, it’s easy to just wave your hand out the window and say, put your seat belt on.”
In 2018, more than 50,000 seat belt violations were issued in Wisconsin.