City of Burlington arranges pick-up for flood debris

The City of Burlington has arranged for special curb-side pick-up services with John’s Disposal to assist residents in disposing of flood damaged items as a result of localized and regional flooding.

Only flood damaged items will be accepted as part of this special pick-up service.

Special curb-side pick-up services will begin on Monday, July 17 and run through Friday, July 28. Pick-ups will occur daily if needed. John’s Disposal will have multiple trucks conducting the special pick-up, as well as maintain regular service for all residents. Residents should put their regular garbage out on their regularly scheduled day. Residents with flood damaged items may place items out daily. We ask residents with non-flood related large bulk items to hold off on disposal from July 17 – 28 to accommodate the special pickup from homes impacted by the flood.

  • Residents participating in this special pick-up service should follow these preparation steps for the disposal of damaged items:
  • Debris must be contained in cans or bags not exceeding 33-gallons in size and no heavier than 45 lbs. each.
  • Debris may be bundled; however, cannot exceed 45 lbs. in weight and 4 feet in length and no wider than 2 feet in diameter.
  • Carpeting must be rolled, taped, or tied. Carpet, after being rolled and tied, should be no longer than 4 feet in length and no wider than 2 feet in diameter and weigh no more than 45 lbs. each.
  • Larger items such as damaged furniture may be placed at the curb adjacent to garbage/recycle containers
  • Empty contents and remove refrigerator/freezer doors for safety purposes.

Click here for debris removal guidelines.

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