City announces plans to replace MPD firearms after 3 instances of weapons firing on their own
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- On Monday, the city of Milwaukee announced their plans to replace all MPD firearms with guns from a new manufacturer after several instances of weapons firing on their own.
"All police officer firearms will be replaced with firearms from a different manufacturer. Our plan is to use asset forfeiture funds in order to pay for the cost," said Mayor Cavalier Johnson.
The price tag for the transition is over $450,000, the majority of those funds coming from asset forfeiture funds. The mayor said they plan to introduce a file to the Milwaukee Common Council seeking the appropriate approvals to pay for the transition.
The weapon in question that will be replaced is the Sig Sauer P320. The Milwaukee Police Association (MPA) has said concerns over these weapons are well-documented. A Glock 45, a similar 9 mm weapon, is said to replace the Sig Sauer service weapon.
"Based on the concerns, the Milwaukee Police Department has decided to take advantage of the opportunity with a supplier and transition off our arms to a Glock," said Milwaukee Police Chief Jeffrey Norman.
This repose comes after MPA took legal action against the city in September after an officer's gun discharged by itself while in the holster. An officer nearby was injured and is still recovering. In 2020, MPA filed notice of a lawsuit after a similar situation occurred.
MPA president Andrew Wagner said their lawsuit against the city will hold up until plans to replace the current service guns are approved.
"I am very pleased to announce that as soon as the Common Council passes the allocation for the funding for the new guns, the Milwaukee Police Association will furlough the lawsuit against the city," said Wagner.
The city is hoping to roll out the new service weapons early next year.