Chicago businessman to take part in second gas giveaway, donating $1M to drivers across the city

NOW: Chicago businessman to take part in second gas giveaway, donating $1M to drivers across the city

CHICAGO, Ill. (CBS 58) -- A rich Chicago businessman is doing it again -- he's preparing to give away free gas to hundreds of drivers. 

Dr. Willie Wilson is taking it up a notch after his giveaway last week.

"I thought about it and I felt bad about it because I only gave away $200,000. And so I said, well, I could give more."

And he's giving a lot more. This coming Thursday, March 24, Wilson will donate $1 million worth of gas at selected stations. 

Each driver will get $50 worth.

Last week's giveaway made people happy, but it also created serious traffic backups at the stations and there were even reports of fights in the lines.

"So you get criticized for doing good, you get criticized for doing bad. So I say let them criticize me for doing good," Dr. Wilson said. 

Wilson, who once ran for mayor of Chicago, says he's met with the 50 gas station owners involved in Thursday's million-dollar giveaway to make sure things go smoothly.

Wilson says he believes if you have money you can spare, you must reach out and help others.

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