Cellphone video captures massive fight at Bradley Tech
MILWAUKEE-- A huge brawl was caught on video at Bradley Tech Wednesday. Acting on a tip from a viewer, we saw a video that was posted on social media by a user that lists himself as a Bradley Tech student.
The video has been blurred slightly to protect the identities of minors. It looks like the fight starts as a female student is being held back, and she tries to escape that restraint. Several people jump into the fray, mostly young women are throwing punches. The video appears to show faculty members trying to separate people and stop the fighting, but are overwhelmed at least temporarily. The video lasts about 40-seconds.
Bradley Tech High School in Milwaukee's south side has a long and infamous history of violent incidents.
In 2007, a huge brawl on the basketball court against visiting Bayview High School.
In October 2008, nine students were arrested and a police officer was injured in a fight.
In December 2010, cell phones were banned in the school after a fight that resulted in 18 arrests.
We showed the video of the latest incident to a spokesperson for MPS. In a statement, MPS tells us \"The school is taking serious and appropriate disciplinary action after the incident today.\"
No word on injuries, we are waiting to hear back from Milwaukee Police to find out if they were called to this fight.