Canstruction exhibit makes debut at Milwaukee Public Musem

NOW: Canstruction exhibit makes debut at Milwaukee Public Musem

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- If you haven't been to the Milwaukee Public Musem in a while, there is a new exhibit showing off some creativity and lending a hand to people in need. 

This weekend is the debut of "Canstruction." The exhibit features 13 different designs made from thousands of cans of non-perishable foods.

It is put on by local engineering and construction firms, as a way to foster some friendly competition. 

There is a lot on the line, with a bevy of awards to be won at the ceremony next Thursday. 

"Best meal, most cans, we also have structural ingenuity, best use of labels and a people's choice. So, when you come to visit, please be sure to scan the QR code and vote for your favorite," said Ali Kopyt, Canstruction organizer. 

The exhibit runs through Feb. 17th, so you only have a couple of weeks to check it out. 

Once it's gone, all of the cans of food will be donated to the Jewish Community Pantry. 

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