Burglar Dumps Cremated Ashes of Resident's Dad, Police say
The burglar who stole from a west Madison home Monday dumped cremated remains while in the home, Madison police said.
The Madison Police Department said a burglar entered a home on Kroncke Drive at 5:30 p.m. through an unlocked door.
The criminal stole a gun, ammunition and money, police said.
Madison police spokesman Joel DeSpain said the burglar also dumped the contents of a container, which held the ashes of the 40-year-old resident's deceased father, onto a pan on the kitchen stove.
"Anyone who has been victimized by a burglar knows that feeling of violation, of no longer feeling as safe as you once did in your own home," DeSpain said. Thought the burglar likely didn't know what was in the container, the disruption of the ashes "had an even greater personal impact" on the victim, he said.
The burglary crimes unit is investigating, DeSpain said.