Bucks fan releases Giannis 'Encanto' parody song

NOW: Bucks fan releases Giannis ’Encanto’ parody song

WAUNAKEE, Wis. (CBS 58) --- Justin Wills is a parent of three young kids (13, 8, and 1) and a huge Bucks fan. He says he's watched every Bucks game for as long as he can remember and has been a die hard Bucks fan since the 90s.

Like many parents, 'We Don't Talk About Bruno,' was stuck in his head after a family movie night watching "Encanto." One line stuck out in particular, "Seven foot frame."

Wills says that made him think of Giannis and the lyrics and music video grew from there.

Wills says he's only seen "Encanto" itself once but has heard the soundtrack many times.

We'll be featuring Justin and 'We Don't Talk About That Bro' on the CBS 58 Morning News Friday morning.

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