Brown Deer Police Officers Donate Ballistic Vests

Every day, police officers put their lives on the protect you, and you may not know that there are some officers out there who don't have everything they need to keep themselves safe. But, there are members of an organization that are making it their mission to change that.

The Vest For Life program started in 2009. It collects vests that officers don't wear anymore, but are still perfectly usable, and gives them to departments that can't afford to buy one for each of their officers. A new vest can cost at least $500.

"It is scary. I've never worked a shift without a vest and it's just a passion of mine to get a vest to every officer who doesn't have one or can't afford one," said Captain Clint Reck with the Muscle Shoals Alabama Police Department.

Captain Reck helps run the organization, and since the program started, more than 8,000 vests have been given. Recently, the Brown Deer Police Department donated almost a dozen vests to the organization. This local effort was organized by Brown Deer Sergeant Amy Koeppel. 

"They're still very valuable to officers that don't have the option of wearing a vest," said Brown Deer Police Officer Brad Caddock. "It is nice that we can help another department, help another officer. It's part of the brotherhood and sisterhood of making sure that we're all safe."

The Brown Deer Police Department did this as a way to contribute to the "Below 100" program, which is a nationwide program to keep line of duty officer deaths below 100 every year. 

To learn more about the Vest For Life program, visit their website at

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