BBB Website Tracks Local, National Scams

Milwaukee County -

From tax scams, to charity scams, to scams that claim a loved one has been kidnapped, there are a growing number of people out there who want to steal your hard-earned cash.  The Better Business Bureau of Wisconsin and CBS58 are here to do something about it. 

Incoming CEO and President of BBB Wisconsin Jim Temmer joined us live on the CBS58 News at 4 to show off their Scam Tracker tool. "What we've invented at the BBB is a way to empower consumers again. People feel they've been scammed, this is a way to strike back," Temmer said.

Scam Tracker warns you about fraud in your area, right down to the neighborhood. There is information posted about each scam (or attempted scam), including a description of what happened, when it happened, and how much money was lost. All of this information comes from the people who were victims of the attempted scams. "If you let us know about it, we'll put it up here, and everyone else can see what is going on too. The more information we get we can share with consumers, it can help the entire community," Temmer said. 

Once a scam is reported, Temmer says his team will research that post to see if more action is needed. "All of the information is anonymous, but we do follow up on the information. We can put this out to the media, or if need be to law enforcement," he said.

To report a scam to the BBB, or to see what's going on in your area, go here

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