Bango helps out as Bucks donate scrap metal to Ronald McDonald House

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A little heavy lifting today for Bango, The Milwaukee Bucks mascot. He was loading scrap metal into a bin at the Bucks arena construction site.
Of course, Bango isn't really part of the crew. He was helping a worthy organization.
The Bucks and Mortenson Construction are recycling scrap metal from the arena project. The proceeds will be donated to The Ronald McDonald House.
"It's cut off metal deck parts, it's cut off temporary steel handrail supports, they're beams that have been eliminated from the building, it's temporary shoring things, things that aren't being used, they've served their purpose and are being eliminated," said Bucks Arena Project Director Mike Sorge.
The scrap metal the Bucks donated last year was worth $18,000. They expect to beat that amount this year.