Ald. Bob Donovan announces intent to run for Milwaukee Mayor
MILWAUKEE-- The race is about to heat up at Milwaukee City Hall, as one of the most colorful characters in Milwaukee politics announces his intent to run against Mayor Tom Barrett.
\"I am announcing my candidacy for Mayor of the great city of Milwaukee,\" said Ald. Bob Donovan, of Milwaukee, before a crowd at Milwaukee's Serb Hall, Tuesday afternoon.
Dozens turned out to show their support for Donovan as he announced his candidacy for Spring 2016's Mayor's Race.
\"Our present mayor of Milwaukee, he was a lousy congressman,\" said Michael Noack, a Donovan supporter, \"now he's a lousy mayor.\"
Many supporters held signs-- calling for change in the City of Milwaukee.
\"I'd like to see our tax dollars spent better on schools,\" said Shelley Rowbakowski, another Donovan supporter.
Donovan said his campaign will focus on three key issues-- education, improving city infrastructure, and combating violence. He's been especially critical of Mayor Tom Barrett's ability to address Milwaukee's crime problem.
\"I understand that there's criticism in government,\" said Mayor Barrett, \"and that comes with the territory.\"
After Donovan's announcement-- Mayor Barrett said he looked forward to discussing Donovan's vision for Milwaukee, but made it clear-- they're not the best allies.
\"He was not interested in working with me going back many, many years,\" explained Mayor Barrett, \"that's just the nature of the beast and if someone isn't interested in working with me, I understand that.\"
Election day may be two years away-- but Donovan made his sentiment toward Mayor Barrett clear.
\"Indecision is a tragedy in a man,\" said Donovan, \"but a disaster in a mayor,\"
Not everyone is happy about Donovan's announcement, Marlene Ott, Chair Of The Milwaukee County Democratic Party said in a statement-- \"Donovan may become the darling of suburban hate talk-radio hosts, but he certainly is not worthy of the office of Mayor f Milwaukee.\"
Mayor Barrett has not officially announced his intent to run for another term.