Abuse victim talks about Rice attack on his wife

MILWAUKEE -- Janay Rice is calling it a \"horrific nightmare,\" not because she was punched, but because the media attention cost her husband his job.

She posted an instagram message that said in part-\"This is our life! What don't you all get, just know we will continue to grow and show the world what real love is!'

To find out what's going on Investigative Reporter Sarah Barwacz spoke with a domestic abuse survivor to gain some insight. We sat down with a domestic violence survivor to look at the graphic video of NFL player Ray Rice knocking out his wife.

\"This is a shame. This reminds me of me.\"

Our survivor who didn't want to be identified hopes her story and the video of Rice's wife can educate other women about abuse. She says her abuser started 3 months in and because of his history she thought she could rescue him.

\"There were things going on with his life as a child and how he was rejected and people weren't there for him, I felt sorry with the kind of heart I have, and I wanted to show him I was there for him.\"

She warns that women like her and Rice's wife make one common mistake-- they hope things will get better.

\"Things start with a slap, then a punch, to an object, to a pistol whip, anything they can get their hands on.\"

She says the first sign was not the beating, but the control. Her abuser didn't like the way he wore her hair.

She believe's Rice's wife will only face more abuse now that her husband is out of work and will be angry without a job. Bottom line, she says if someone touches you, get out.

If you or someone needs help call the 24 hour hotline, 414-933-2722.

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