17 Arrested for DUI in Milwaukee during Memorial Day Weekend

Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office increased patrols during the Memorial Day weekend to ensure that the freeway, lakefront and parks were free from crime and disorder. Coinciding with this weekend’s enforcement operation, the Sheriff's Office “Operation Drive Sober” campaign was also deployed targeting impaired drivers on our freeway system and roadways in surrounding municipalities.

The MCSO Drive Sober campaign arrested 17 drunken drivers between midnight Friday, and Tuesday at 6:00 AM. The average prohibited alcohol concentration level was .14, almost double the legal limit.

Five people were arrested for repeat DUI including Keith Christon, 36-years-old, of Cudahy, for his 6th DUI, Montejo Nimmer, 41-years-old, of Milwaukee, for 5th DUI, Patrick Sharp, 46-years-old, of Milwaukee, for 3rd DUI, and Manuel Botelho, 37-years-old, and Catherine Schaefer, 39-years-old, both of Milwaukee, for their second DUI.

On Saturday, May 28 at 12:08 AM, a deputy observed a vehicle speeding, tailgating, and deviating lanes on I-43 northbound at Locust Avenue and stopped the vehicle at Hampton Avenue.

Montejo L. Nimmer, 41-years-old, of Milwaukee, said that he had a few drinks at his cousin's house. Nimmer was uncooperative, and tested a .22 on the PBT. His prior convictions were in August 1999, March 2001, February 2010, and September 2013. If convicted of this felony DUI-5th offense, Nimmer faces up to six years in prison.

First-time offenders were William Martinez, age 30, of Burlington; Angela Rohan, age 21, of Waukesha; Christopher Stielow, age 25, of Round Lake Beach, Illinois; Christian Vazquez-Rivera, age 26, of Whitefish Bay; Daniel Cholly, age 24, of McHenry, Illinois; Victor Lagunas-Hernandez, age 33, of Waukegan, Illinois; Jessica Meng, age 24, of North Prairie; and Milwaukee residents: Rebecca Krueger, age 24; Lloyde Delonay, age 43; Anthoy Weston, age 23; Alonzo Garcia, age 20; and Arnulfo Reyes-Nunez.

On Monday, May 30, a deputy responded to a 911 call about a possible drunk driver traveling I-94 westbound at N. 35th Street. The 911 caller was able to follow the vehicle to the intersection of Miller Parkway and National Avenue where the deputy began following and stopped the vehicle at 40th and Burnham.

Arnulfo Reyes-Nunez, 28-years-old, of Milwaukee, was arrested for first OWI with minors under the age of 16 inside vehicle. Three children ages three, five and nine, were in the car. Reyes-Nunez tested a .08 on the PBT, and said he’d had three or four beers at a party. The children were taken home by a deputy, along with their mother. If convicted, Reyes-Nunez faces up to six months in jail.

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