Wisconsin senator circulates petition for statewide mask mandate

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Senator Chris Larson began circulating a petition for a statewide mask mandate to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Wisconsin Monday, July 27. 

According to a news release, over 8,000 people have signed the petition in less than 24 hours from hundreds of municipalities across the state. 

“The tremendous support we have received for a statewide mask mandate has been overwhelming. What some might think is the absolute least we can do is also the simplest, most effective way for us to control the spread of COVID-19 and give us a fighting chance to open schools safely this academic year," Larson said in a statement. "

Larson notes "science-based knowledge" of wearing a mask helping prevent the spread of COVID-19 in his decision to circulate the petition. 

“Until a safe, effective vaccine is available, which likely won’t be until sometime next year, masks are our best bet. Your mask protects you, my mask protects me. With over 30 states having already issued mask orders, red and blue alike, this is not a partisan issue. It’s time for Wisconsin leaders to follow the science, too," he said. 

As of Tuesday, July 28, Wisconsin had 50,179 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 837,567 negative cases, and 906 total deaths. 

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