Waukesha County displays warning signs of drug abuse for Parents

If your teenage son or daughter was using drugs, would you be able to tell?

Most parents think they would, but it's not always easy.

There are warning signs and some of them were revealed this morning.

This display unveils 20 red flags that can tell a parent if there teen is using drugs.

Hiding alcohol in a water bottle is just the beginning.

Some of these red flags look like trash or something relatively harmless, but here are a few things you need to keep your eye out for.

An empty toilet paper roll stuffed with the dryer sheet could mean your kid is smoking marijuana or tobacco.

CD cases with scratches or pens with the ink removed could mean that your child is abusing prescription drugs.

And small cotton balls or looped belts could mean your child is using heroin.

Waukesha County officials say this display is about keeping parents informed.

"We just want to kind of show them signs and symptoms to look for their teenagers bedrooms, and that way they can catch drugs use early on and get their teenager some help," said Katie Morrow, Drug Free Communities of Waukesha County.

The display will be out here at Grand and South Street in downtown Waukesha through mid-November.

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