Walker lays out plans for 2018 in State of the State address
Gov. Scott walker gave his eight State of the State address Wednesday afternoon, marking the second time he's given the address in a re-election year.
After pointing out the state's lowest unemployment rate since the 90's, Walker laid out his plans for the future.
Those plans include a $100 per-child tax credit for all Wisconsin families.
"It could be a new pair of shoes, a winter coat, activity fees at school, or a co-pay at the doctor or dentist," Walker said. "We know sometimes Wisconsin families face challenges when making ends meet, and this new child tax credit can help.
The governor also says he wants to put more money into the healthcare system, and guarantee coverage for people with pre-existing conditions.
"That way someone with caner or another serious disease or ailment will not have to worry about obtaining or keeping coverage."
Walker wants to overhaul welfare, increase funding for rural schools and move juvenile corrections away from Lincoln Hills. Democrats say Walker flip flopped on his standard positions.
"The governor tried to get rid of Senior Care twice - now he wants to expand it state-wide," Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, said. "The governor didn't support coverage for pre-existing conditions. Now he wants to protect it. The governor had the largest cuts to public education, and now he's championing restoring some of it in this budget."
Sen. Lena Taylor says she's excited about some of the proposals, but thinks they're mostly to get elected.
"And now at election time, he wants people to hear what he's saying, and not at what he's been doing," Taylor said. "He talks a good talk, but he doesn't necessarily walk a good walk."
Walker's opponents also pointed out there are only two months left in the legislative session, and they doubt that's enough time to pass what the governor wants.