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Southeast Wisconsin had a very warm start to the day with highs reaching the low 60s in spots this morning before the cold front came through.

Temps have been fairly steady in the low to mid 50s this afternoon, but they'll drop to around 30 degrees tonight and won't warm out of the 30s for most of the area over the next two days.

While we'll start Thursday around 30 degrees, we'll also be dealing with a 30 mph wind so it'll feel more like the upper teens as you head out the door to work or school.

Don't expect it to feel much warmer as the day wears on. Frequent wind gusts between 30-35 mph will make it feel like the low to mid 20s most of the day.

Although we'll have thickening cloud cover on Thursday, those clouds look to clear out Thursday evening, which will give us prime viewing of the partial lunar eclipse that occurs early Friday morning. Peak eclipse time is 3:03 am across the Badger state.

The gusty winds will subsite Thursday night, but the light winds and clear skies will allow temps to drop into the low to mid 20s area-wide, so dress warm if you venture out to view it! Download the CBS 58 Ready Weather App to see the full 7 day forecast.