Three year old's body covered with burns after kitchen accident

WAUWATOSA-- Ainsley Schley hasn't left her daughter's side since her accident on June 29.

\"She's an outgoing little girl, she's full of energy, has a little attitude, everyone always calls her a little diva,\" said Schley, recalling better times with her little girl.

Schley's 3-year old, Mia Camarillo, suffered first and third degree burns over 50% of her body after hot oil spilled on her.

\"It took two seconds of her tripping over a cord, and you know, grabbing onto a pot, that was on the table,\" said Schley.

Mia has spent the last few weeks in pediatric intensive care at Children's Hospital in Wauwatosa.

\"It's hard-- I haven't seen her open her eyes in about three weeks,\" said Schley.

Mia has undergone several surgeries and remains sedated through the recovery process.

\"I'm hoping that they'll be able to graft the other areas of her body, so they can take the breathing tubes out soon,\" said Schley.

As doctors prepare for Mia's next operation, Schley says looks forward to the day she can have her little girl back.

\"Watch your children very carefully and even if you do, things can happen,\" she said.

Friends and relatives have set up the \"Princess Mia Fund\" to help with Mia's medical expenses.  Mia's loved ones will also hold a rummage sale to raise funds.  The event will take place at 3755 S. 47th in Milwaukee on Saturday 9-5 PM and Sunday 10-4 PM.


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