The Late Late Show Carpools with Chewbacca Mom
Posted: May 24, 2016 6:22 PM CST
The Late Late Show’s James Corden carpooled with Candace Payne, the viral Chewbacca mom.
In the video, Corden loses his patience with Chewbacca Mom in the car, "Star Wars" director J.J. Abrams has some notes for Candace Payne and gets James in on the fun.
After she posted a Facebook video of herself in sublime hysterics over a Chewbacca mask, Candace Payne now has a lot more Star Wars merchandise to enjoy with her family.
Payne's video, filmed in the parking lot of a Kohl's department store, took the Internet by storm this week, garnering well over 100 million views and counting. "It's the simple joys in life," she wrote in the post.