Tenant wants landlord to pay after home caught fire
It seems the hard times came all at once for the Shelton family. Monday night an electrical fire that went crawling through the walls in the upstairs bedroom. The family got out safely, but that was just the beginning of their trouble.
\"We don't have electric, we don't have heat,\" grandmother Bonnie Shelton said.
The home is condemned for now leaving the family of eleven with no place to stay. To get by until nightfall they're boiling water on a stove to stay warm. In some parts of the house you can see their breath.
\"It's freezing in here,\" Shelton said.
The family wants the landlord to pay for hotels because they say they've complained about everything from thin windows to faulty electrical wiring dozens of times, but it wasn't fixed.
Bonnie thinks back to all the times she's bought things to fix fuses herself. \"I should own the fuse company because I've owned enough of them.\"
We reached out to the landlord by phone. Thomas Powers says the Shelton's were overloading the plugs with electronics. Powers says the family should have bought renters insurance. However, Bonnie says times are rough.
\"Where's the money supposed to come from? We all budget here.\"
Powers says he plans to fix things over the next couple of weeks, but by then Bonnie says she'll be out of hundreds of dollars.
A Milwaukee family has nowhere to live after the home they were renting caught fire, and they're blaming the landlord.