Shooter of 6-year-old in Identified as his Playmate, Another Child

LAWRENCEVILLE, GA (CBS46) -The mystery for nearly a month in Georgia has been who shot a 6-year-old boy riding his bicycle through his neighborhood.

According to CBS Atlanta, Gwinnett County police announced they believe it's one of the young victim's playmates.

His parents are to set the punishment because the shooter is less than 10-years-old.

"It makes you wonder what type of parenting is going on around here," said neighbor Tyshawn Pettway.

The 6-year-old originally told police he was riding his bike home from a block party when a bullet came out of nowhere.

According to CBS Atlanta, many in the Lawrenceville neighborhood naturally assumed the shooter was an adult, or at least a teenage party-goer.

Police offered a reward to anyone who could help catch the person responsible so they could bring the shooter to justice. However, the term "justice" in this situation may end up being a time out, or a stern talking to.

The victim, Ni-Shawn Moore, told his mother he thought he was shot with a BB gun, and with police ruling this an accident, perhaps that's what the other boy thought too.

Samantha Gulley lives one house over from where the child said he was shot. She said, "I have two little ones. I don't even like them being in the kitchen around knives. I can't imagine them having a gun around."

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