Senate leaders closing in on deal to reopen the government?

MONDAY-On Monday night, senate leaders were reportedly closing in on a deal to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling.

\"I'm very optimistic that we will reach an agreement that's reasonable in nature this week,\" Democratic Majority leader Harry Reid said Monday.

\"Let me just echo the remarks of my good friend,\" Republican Mitch McConnell added,  \"We have had an opportunity over the last couple of days to have some very constructive exchanges of views about how to move forward.\"

The deadline for raising the debt ceiling is on Thursday.

Terms of the deal are reportedly being finalized that would push that deadline back to February 7th.

The deal  would also reopen the government with enough funding to last until Mid January and require bi-partisan negotiations to be wrapped up by mid December.

Final details are still being worked out, and the lone sticking point has to do with language. But it looks like the deal could get done by Tuesday.

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