Protesters Take to Streets Ahead of GOP Town Hall

CBS 58- Protestors took to the streets Tuesday ebening, ahead of a Republican presidential candidate town hall at the Riverside Theater in Milwaukee.

The group began their march outside the Voces de la Frontera office on 5th and Washington Avenue.

 “It's important because what Trump and Cruz are saying, they're preaching a message of hate,” said Nury Plascencia, one of the organizers of the demonstration.

Hundreds showed up to speak out against immigration policies put out by some of the candidates. Including Donald Trumps proposal to deport all illegal immigrants and halt Muslim immigrants from entering the country, and Cruz’s proposal to step up police presence in Muslim neighborhoods.

“We’ve never seen a candidate like this before, humiliating and degrading the Mexican community as well as the Puerto Rican community, that's why I’m here,” said one protestor.

Plascencia, who just became a citizen, helped to organize the march and says the polices of Trump and Cruz don't align with the beliefs of the country she pledged her allegiance to.

“I've worked for my citizenship and i feel like they just got it and they're not respecting the traditions and values of America,” Plascencia said.

The protest stayed peaceful, though group briefly blocked traffic  as they mad their way to Riverside Theater

 “Everyone is not going to agree on everything, so having people protest in opposition, it's everything that American is about,” said Deanna McKenzie, a protestor.?

Dozens of protestors remained outside during the CNN moderated town hall.

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