Presidentinal nominee Joe Biden makes stop in Manitowoc
MANITOWOC, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden was in Manitowoc Monday, Sept. 21.
Biden's stop was at the Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry.
The Democratic nominee for president spoke to the manufacturing community, and said President Donald Trump has repeatedly valued the rich over the working class with his financial policy.
“He sees the world from Park Avenue," Biden said, accusing Trump of caring mostly for Wall Street. "I see it from where I grew up in a town like this. Scranton, Pennsylvania. Hard scrapping, hard working town, just like this and so many more across Wisconsin.”
The Trump campaign said the president has a proven track record of bringing more manufacturing jobs to the state than when Biden was in the White House during the Obama presidency.
“We don’t have to guess what would happen in an economy with both of these two men, you’ve seen it. Joe Biden had the keys to the castle for eight years,” Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Hogan Gidley said.
Biden also criticized the Trump administration’s handling of COVID-19, as the U.S. nears a death toll of 200,000 from the virus.
“The crisis that required serious presidential leadership, he just wasn’t up to it," Biden said. "He froze. He failed to act. He panicked.”
The Trump campaign countered that the president quickly banned flights from China during the initial stages of the virus.
“This president was moving to protect the American people, listening to his scientists, listening to the health experts, listening to the medical experts. The Democrats were playing with people’s lives.”
This month has been a critical stretch for the presidential campaign in Wisconsin. Both Trump and Biden have visited the state twice in the past four weeks.
His visit comes just days after President Donald Trump visited Wisconsin last week.